KNX control protocol shows strong growth


Significant growth for the KNX controls sector in the UK is predicated in an extensive survey carried out for KNX UK, the association representing the KNX standard in the UK. More than 80% of respondents are anticipating growth in 2017, with 41% expecting more than a 10% increase in KNX business. The value of the KNX market is around £10 million.

According to the research, 45% of KNX members expect growth of up to 10% in 2016, with 41% expecting growth of over 10% in 2017. This growth will be driven by an appetite for and awareness of the Internet of Things, an increase in knowledge from specifiers and the KNX protocol’s proven strength as a versatile, easy-to-install solution for commercial and residential building control.

50% of respondents expect the use of the KNX protocol to increase in commercial properties, with 39% anticipating growth in the use of KNX in residential applications.

Iain Gordon, KNX UK president, comments, ‘The research is hugely positive for companies working with KNX. This is proof that KNX has an important stake in the UK building-controls sector and will continue to build on this presence. Exciting market opportunities lie ahead, and as an association we will remain active and supportive of manufacturers, wholesaler integrators and training establishment seeking to build on this platform.’

The survey was carried out between January and March 2016 by Sigma Research Management.

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